My products are being reviewd on two Sites and I am sponsoring A Custom BYOB Bag Giveaway and A French Masquerade Apron Giveaway!
I am currently being reviewed by Mandee at Raising my five sons. She ordered her custom Build Your Own Bag from my Etsy shop and experienced the custom process from step 1 to completion. She was given a product by me to review, I welcomed honest feedback and wanted to know if there was anything in the product or process that needed to be changed. Please go see my Shanty Girl Custom bag review and enter the giveaway, instructions are on Mandee's site.
I also wanted to welcome any New Followers, coming from Mandee's site, I hope you join me on Blog and come join me on Facebook! I love to post about my new designs, sales, promotions, home decor, inspirations, recipes and ancestry and life in general. I love having giveaways to recieve feedback on my new original designs! Check back often and Welcome!
I also have a product being reviewd by Amanda at CopingwithFrugality, she is featuring my French Masquerade Apron, Again I sent her an Apron and welcomed honest feedback to better my original design if need be. Please read her review and she has instructions on her site to enter the giveaway I am sponsoring for One of my French Masquerade Aprons!
I welcome any new followers from Amanda's site as well!!!
I also wanted to welcome any New Followers, coming from Mandee's site, I hope you join me on Blog and come join me on Facebook! I love to post about my new designs, sales, promotions, home decor, inspirations, recipes and ancestry and life in general. I love having giveaways to recieve feedback on my new original designs! Check back often and Welcome!
I also have a product being reviewd by Amanda at CopingwithFrugality, she is featuring my French Masquerade Apron, Again I sent her an Apron and welcomed honest feedback to better my original design if need be. Please read her review and she has instructions on her site to enter the giveaway I am sponsoring for One of my French Masquerade Aprons!
I welcome any new followers from Amanda's site as well!!!
Here are Links to my recent winner announcements of
Also Watch for my Post's next week: Just what do I have in common With COCO Chanel (Recent contact by one of my favorite companies) and a pass it forward
Coco DVD Giveaway, this involves watching, reviewing and passing on! And A little closer look
at the Parisian Flat Mom Cave Studio and the Tea Stained Gauze Curtains and what they mean to me!
Have a Happy Inspired Weekend and while you are at it, Have a Happy inspired Life and inspire others!!
How exciting for you-sounds like everything is taking off-I'll stay posted!