Linda @ Costal Charm

I had emailed my 100th follower over 6 weeks ago and let her know that I wanted to give her something for an unnanounced giveaway  just days later my Mother passed unexpectedly and that has been extremely hard for me. 

Sometime we wander well why bother if mom and dad aren't here to see it, (whatever it is) we have to remind ourselves that our husbands and children are................

This morning I made myself go in the sewing room and get over it.  I had alot of my mothers things in my room and felt overwhelmed everytime I walked in but this morning I went outside took a deep breath said a prayer felt the wind and went into my room and created hearing mom's little voice in my head saying be happy honey don't quite your passions! Create!

This is what I created from scratch to send to Linda @ Coastal Charm and I wanted to thank Linda for being so patient and never asking "what happened to my gift".  This will be in the mail in the morning. I hope
you like it!!

I tried to think vintage french beach and came up with this aqua and cream linen, quilted lining with jute decor and jute inner pocket, the vintage french aqua lace to top it off! Bag can be worn with or without chain as clutch, on shoulder or messenger style!

Creating was good therapy for me, when we are having hard times hobbies really help to feel better!


Linking to
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Piece of Work Wednesday @  Primitive & Proper
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage


  1. I'm SO sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. I lost my parents over 16 years ago. I know exactly what you are feeling but you are doing all the right things. Throw yourself into's a good way to handle things. You have all your blogging friends, and I'm sure lots of family and friends to share with. Choosen family can be as good as family...I'm not married and don't have children but surround myself with people who care about me, and I care about them in return. Your Mom's spirit will surround you and no doubt add a special touch to all your creativity. Hang in there doesn't happen quickly, but this too shall pass. (One of MY Mom's favorite sayings, that I've now taken as my own!)

  2. She will love it. And I'm glad creating it helped you through some of your pain.


  3. Sherry,
    Oh's sooooo pretty...I LOVE IT!!! Please know that I have not even thought for one moment about this...I have lost one parent and know the pain that goes along with this...they will never leave you in dad died 15 years ago in August. I will let you know when it arrives.


  4. Sherry, It is so hard to get our minds off of sadness when it hits us so personally, and sometimes it is almost impossible to do anything but think about it. Creating seems to be at the bottom of the pile that keeps getting higher and higher. I have not had a death, but for several months now have been dealing with the very serious and incurable illness which has hit one of my beloved grandsons at the height of his teenage years. My fears and concerns seem to be consuming my days. I feel so helpless. As a mother and grandmother, I want to be able to make things OK for my children and grandchildren, but this time I can’t. Yesterday I MADE myself start back working on a little lap quilt for my best friend who has crippling RA, and has suffered 2 serious strokes. Once I got started, I seemed to get better. I could not work at it for long at a time, but I was still working on it, and that was the important thing. I am certainly thinking of you in your tragic loss. I hope things get better for you emotionally in the days to come. Just take it a minute at a time. Take care my friend. Genie

  5. Sherry it is beautiful! I am so glad that you were able to create something again and I bet it felt good. :) I hope you continue to create the things that you love. :)

  6. So glad you made it into that room and felt the healing power of creating.


  7. Hi Sherry...this is just beautiful!
    I lost my Mom 7 years ago but it still seems like yesterday sometimes. She would have loved this whole world of blogging. I know she would have loved my blog and part of me does this for her. Keep creating!
    Sending you hugs...

  8. Oh honey, I empathize completely. Lost my mom 3 years ago. So glad you were able to create again so soon.

    Take your time, healing is a process. You'll have good days, bad days and the love between your mom & you never will fade. Best wishes and big hugs to you!

  9. Sorry to hear about your saddness...creating is always a good way to help deal with some of that is hard for sure.

    Love what you made. xoxoxo HUGS

  10. Hi Sherry,

    Bless your soul...I know how overwhelming it is to lose your mom...but you are right in that she'd want you to continue your journey and share the love with everyone around you.

    Your bag is super cool. I really love it and know that Linda will love it too.

    Pink Sparkles,
    Stephanie ♥

  11. Sherry~ so sorry too hear about the passing of your mom... my heart goes out to you.
    And for Linda...she is a sweetie and would never have taken any offense..and when she does get that bag..she better keep it close to her!
    It is gorgeous!!!!!
    Take care...
    Sending hugs~
    your new fan..
    Cricket @ gypsea nurse

  12. Very sorry to hear of your mom's passing.
    May you find comfort in all your memories of her...

  13. This is gorgeous, I know she will love it!
    I am soooo sorry of you mom's passing. It is such a hard time, only time will heal. Lots of love to you!

  14. This is lovely! I'm sure Linda will love it :) Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.


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