Real exciting news........Shanty Girl Chateau brick and mortar!! And I have a winner

First things first I want to announce the winner of my 100th post/200th follower Giveaway.  I want to thank all the people who entered the 28 comments, I used and the winner of my $100.00 Gift Certificate to  is..................
Drum roll please..........

 we will announce the winner after the break.......

Just kidding....too much American Idol watching round here........
Comment number 8 was picked by  I still cannot figure how to paste it on my blog with the number in tact

So congratulations to Kate from Salvage Dior!  I will email you a certificate to be used in my shop!  I do have to say you may want to wait a week to use it as I am uploading many more items throughout the next two weeks...............more apron designs, couple of burlap and linen ruffled bags......... and now for the reason those did not get completed and uploaded this

Gray distressed buffet server for Shanty  Chateau, I will have a table and chairs to display with this
I am going brick and mortar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes I did it.................I jumped back in...................................I am opening up a nice space at a new antique mall that is simply 1.2 miles from my home in Keller, Texas.  The mall is on a well traveled highway with ample parking and they will have flea market space, farmers market during the season, sell pumpkins and christmas trees and I think it will be a hit in our area! 

I will be covering a antique set of chairs and making pillows with these materials, just loving the colors!

I was a dealer 10 years ago and I am so ready to get back in so if anyone is in this area  come to PICKERS POINT  on 377 in North Keller and look for my booth, you can't miss it..........

I want to thank my sweet friend Barbara Y. who let me in on the opening of this awesome mall, I was able to pick a wonderful space as we were some of the first in.

So I need to get busy.......................

Not only is the garage full..................

I am covered up in the sunromm too!

My  booth will be called "The Shanty Chateau"!   I will be carrying mostly custom painted distresed antique furniture,  handmade homegoods and will have some of the origianl Shantygirl designed Aprons and bags!  Pictures of booth in progress next week.  Until then I will be up to my ears in paint, sandpaper, wax, fabric, and ruining all my clothes.........

Thanks so much my friends!


  1. Congratulations to Kate!!
    Also to you for opening a Brick and Mortar!!
    I am a pretty excited gal to here that there is a new mall in Keller because that is where I live too ~
    Where is it going to be on 377 and when is it opening ?


  2. Pickers Point will be open June 1!

    I will post the physical address.....neglected to get it but it is on 377 in Keller if you are headed north it is on the right There is a church next to it and it is just before Mount Gilead Road

  3. Congrats! Sounds like a great place you got there, and I wish you tons of good luck and sales to go along with it!

  4. How exciting...I know you will be a great success!
    Congrats to the winner too!

  5. Congrats Sherry, how fun and exciting for you!! It looks like you are a busy lady for sure and I am loving what I am seeing so far!! I can't wait to see the booth! Have fun!

  6. great news! i hope it's everything you want. best wishes for continued success!

  7. Congrats! Many prosperous days with blessings of green and happy clients!


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