Love Or Hate,

This morning I am working on a few things that may be controversial, they are either totally love or totally hate.  Being in the Antiquing/Shantying up things business I love not doing everything exactly the same, I for one could not paint white all day it would get boring I like to add different touches and try different techniques,

Another thing that I am working on are two deer heads my husband purchased yesterday.  I know there are some that hate taxidermy and for those people I apologize if you are offended.  We hunt and fish and camp and it just does not bother me, that is how we were raised and it is a way of life. I love the look of Rachel's prairie and the animals hanging in between chandeliers and in the Antique Malls/Decor magazines it is all the rage. These are being found and repurposed.

Here are a few pics tell me Love or Hate??

Rachel Ashwell's Lilliput Lodge at the Prairie

                                                       I found this photo on pinterest

I had so much fun doing this piece!

I used three colors, whitewashing, sanding, staining
This will truly be a love or hate type piece!

Shabby French Provencial

One of the deer my husband brought home last night
The Other Deer

The finished Deers and furniture will be stocked this week at Lonestar

Thanks for reading/commenting


  1. Love, I was raised the same way. My husband used to be a taxidermist.
    Hugs Jackie

  2. I like just the antliers for decorating and crafting. But I wa s raised in Northern California and I never new anyone who hunted, it's that hippie thing. I am embracing all things Texas and I would like to learn to shoot. I am still learning to enjoy my friends hand raised chickens in her recipies. Funny how we are so biased by where we are raised.


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