Where Women Workout-Keep Calm and Get your Workout On

Somewhere over the last two years of Blogging and starting the Shantygirl etsy and then later Shanty Girl Antique Booths.......I got bloggers butt.....Okay I cannot blame it all on sitting at a computer and looking at inspiration for hours on end, searching other blogs looking at magazines, sewing for hours, but my activity level well has decreased and the activity I get from painting, sewing and decorating made me grab for Expresso Cappucino's at Starbucks or ....soda.  The walking at fleamarkets involved hot dogs and soda's as well......(note to self take nuts, bottled water...)

Before i was a blogger I was an active member of Videofitness.com I loved working out at home to ballet inspired/pilates or yoga workouts.  I worked out in the mornings and we shared what workouts we did etc. on the forums of videofitness.com my username is shicks.  somehow my new obsession with the decor blogging world of french and shabby beautification drew me away from the vidiot workout world.  I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism during this time and lets just say I have gained in two years.....4 sizes, I also during this time got in a fight with my treadmill..

Funny story...I of course had my two bottles of water on treadmill that is what i like to drink in the hour walk at 4 mph that I was doing somewhere round the thirty minute mark well nature called and I jumped off the treadmill trying to go as fast as I could and get back so as to keep heartrate up......I neglected to think that jumping back on treadmill with it going at 4 mph would cause me to fly in the air and land several feet away on very hard saltillo tile......landing on and injuring left  knee with a gash and possibly chip to the bone......two years later I have a scar and still cannot get on knees on floor without feeling it.....so treadmill has not been active since either...Treadmill was not scathed in argument and is the same size   Sherry however is not the same size.........lol

The last couple days I have been breaking out all my pilates/Barre Method/yoga type DVD's and even stopped by the New Pure Barre Studio in my area to ask about taking a few live classes to supplement my home workouts and meet people in person yes, get out of the house and workout with people!! Now  it could have been sparked by looking in the mirror and seeing a matronly looking woman with a young spirit smiling at me or going to waterpark for 6 hours with daughter jumping climbing swimming running and realizing hey you got the spirit you got the moves now lets eat better and be consistent working out and get back to being Sherry fit and healthy without bloggers behind.....(not all bloggers have that I am sure there are many with alot more self control and better metabolism than I, but this one  neglected to round out her life)  I also canned for the first time again this  weekend  fresh food from our garden and remembered fit me when hubby and I  first married, working, gardening, canning, walking, dancing, bike riding, swimming, I miss that me.......

My hubby and I both just chopped and threw stuff in to taste there is no recipe for Hicks Salsa it is just put more in till it taste good and enough citric for acidity for safety!

Hubby and I made Salsa and I canned it fresh from garden tomatoes and Jalapeno's, we used to do this all the time but it had been quite a few years...getting back to what we love!

We were able to can 14 jars, and then quite a few "pepperocini's"  today I will be canning Jalepeno slices as we have an abundance of fresh jalapeno's!
We were blessed with overload of peppers took this picture yesterday, I put up (grannies way of saying canned) 6 jars of "Pepperocini's!!  So fun to go from vine to can and in some cases in others homes and tasted all within one day!

Organic you bet!!   Fresh from the back yard!

So I  have been inspired to find a way to ......exercise, meditate, reenergize, blog, paint,decorate, garden etc   and put it all together with my love of vintage Romantic lifestyle

I know people say to be a popular blog you should define what you are and stick to it......I simply cannot do that I am too many things and I hope that I continue to be intersting and inspire I just feel so importantly that my health is something to feel strongly about, the decor of the room I will spend alot of time in will be fun to share etc.  Hope it does not bore you I will still blog about Sewing, creating and painting and antiques but just adding a new dimension. I hope that I am blogging about Ballet Barre workouts when I am 70 and beyond!!  It will help keep me on track if I shout out a goal I will have to prove I can complete it!

So Shouting out Goal!

I will show a few before pics whenever I have a few afters of myself lets just say a size six turned to tight 14, busting at the seams tight......and is going to get back to herself again!  Not a thing wrong with a 14 it is just not my normal size and is not for me or my small bone structure  There are many  Healthy  fit women of all different sizes  My doctor is in agreement that with my bone size history etc. that my goal is a healthy one so onward I go.....

Where Women Workout...... WWW

I of course loving Ballet inspired workouts that use your own body weight instead of heavy lifting (tried that did not like the look it gave me around the neck and quadraceps.)  To each his own! (I never took ballet but did Tap and Jazz for a few years as a young girl and  in my twenties I did plenty of years two stepping in the Fort Worth Stock Yards)

So These are my inspirations

Ballet Beautiful

 After Looking at this picture o
n the Ballet Beautiful fb sight this morning I changed my mind about guest room......I still have room for guest as we have a travel trailer that hooks up to water and electric on side of house by pool, guest can retreat for privacy with microwave TV kitchen bath etc) My newly opened bedroom (Son got apt.) will be my French CHic workout room!

 I have an outfit like this but will take commitment to getting back into........

And I will need to find a vintage white Ballet tutu to hang on while with point shoes for inspiration and to beautify room, if anyone has these for sale I would prefer vintage please email me!!

Room is grey and I am not sure if it will stay that way.  I have an antique fireplace mantle on layaway at Lonestar Antiques it is two tiered with columns just beautiful It was going to be a headboard but will be beautiful to put degas style pics on and candles to light for the yoga pilates moments.........

THis is just a little pic of a corner of room more to come in the next few weeks....Thanks for reading my goals and if you have a workout room  i would love to see a picture.......of WWW

Where Women Workout........

I have a portable ballet barre that I bought from cardiobarre.com years ago  I can highly recommend this barre it is awesome and great for balance and stretching, I will absolutely have to hang a dream catcher from Tausha at simplyme..... this will remind me to keep the good dreams in focus!

Well what do you think  grey room for tranquil feelings or white room for fresh bright energy??

I will add antique Mantle, I have a beautiful Antique Vanity that will go in to put videos in drawers and put inspiration photo's around etc and to sit and put on shoes.....I will try to keep the room a bit sparse more pics soon!  Oh and me and treadmill are speaking again so she will have a spot in there! She really is a good girl afterall, she did not mean to hurt me........

I  completed a "Deep in the heart of Texas" and a few "Union Jack" Throws put my own spin on them and used beautiful cabbages and roses fabrics and I will post more picks on next blog post!

THe stars shine bright........deep in the heart of texas..........Cabbages and roses fabrics on a Drop cloth that has been bleached and softened has look and feel of an old french linen..this pic is just cut and not sewn more pics with next post of this and

If you made it through this whole ramblig post I appreciate you and you deserve a medal!!

Love life ya'll



  1. Loving your Heart of Texas throw. Am hoping you will be offering them or the "Betsy Ross" sometime in the future! :) Am anxiously awaiting. Sarah

    1. Hopefully by next week I will have a few "heart of texas and union jacks to sell, I have not completed a Betsy ross yet but soon!

  2. I am still laughing about your bloggers butt. So funny. It is so true--certain hobbies aren't good for the butt! When I was really into scrapbooking...and was a contributor to a magazine and stuff, I found a lot of people in scrapbooking are really heavy from too much sitting. I wish you good luck with your fitness plan. The ballet pictures are gorgeous.

    I am stalking the mailman--my Union Jack should be here soon:) I'm excited. I am loving your new deep in the heart of Texas throw--that is awesome! Can't wait to see more. Happy dancing!

    1. THank you so glad you like the "Heart of Texas Throw" I was thinking of the stars shine bright deep in the heart of texas when making it I need to put that whole song on here it is going through my head all the kids in Texas learn the song in 1st or second grade.......Can't wait to see picture of your jack in your home!!

  3. Love your post. I cant remember if I asked you yet are you interested in selling a union jack throw. I have been wanting one for sometime and dont know where to go? Thanks Pam

    1. I am catching up on a few things and then posting some for sale hpefully by end of next week I will have a variety of a few posted for you to pick from! Pricing etc will be on the post I am canning, painting rooms and furniture for antique booth and daughter is out of school so it is hard to keep up! Thanks so much for inquiring and I will be happy to sell if you like any that I make and show!

  4. In my dreams i have always wanted to be a ballerina dancer.. i really would love to take some sort of dance classes really.... fun and great exercise... I love the ballet photos, so pretty and SIMPLY!!! I need a room like this !! Enjoy making your new space..

    1. You should do it sometime, I know with the little ones time is an issue but when they are napping you can pop a ballet DVD in like I do.........I have several recommendations for starts!

  5. Sherry, you have an amazing amount of energy for everything you do. Great post.

    1. Oh this coming from a woman who works, is an Author and takes care of 3 children under 2 daily..............................Hope to see you soon!!

  6. So nice of you to visit and invite me over for a visit myself.Lovin your blog and all your goings on too!
    The salsa looks amazing one of my favs to make myself, though we eat it as fast as we make it.Lol Hope to can some this year myself after I make jam first.
    I did make the union jack flag first time ever I cut my daughter sews!Do you sell on Etsy too? I will have to check it out.I love handmade items! Did you make Tausha's for her?
    I hear you there on the blogger butt issue, best of luck with that.I walk but it isn't helping anything.I too need to rev it up a bit!
    I am now a follower and will visit you again~Cheers Kim

    1. So glad you stopped by! I made Tausha's jack it was fun I sell on etsy but have not been adding things lately since I opened antique booth last year I stay really busy with that and eventually would like to add more to etsy. So glad you are following and look forward to getting to know you!

  7. I love Cabbage and Roses fabrics to die for! Do you order online? I would love to buy some myself but haven't ever~Cheers Kim

    1. The best place to order is fatquartershop.com or shabbyfabrics.com I did go to Fort Worth quilt shop and they carry the whole line so I was thrilled and they were having an awesome sale the day I went so that is where I will be getting mine for now The fabric is awesome in person even more so than online!! I highly recommend.

  8. Hey Sherry! First of all, I wanted to thank you for your sweet comments at Heaven's Walk today and for being a new follower. :) I haven't a clue why I wasn't following you...but now I am. lol! You are such an inspiration to me with your devotion to ballet workouts and have truly peaked my interest. I WANT a dancer's body! As you well know, I've gained the dreaded 15 in the past 5 years and am currently "willing" it off. Hmmmmm.....for some reason, that's NOT working. hehehe! Guess I've got to step it up, and now I've got you to inspire me.

    Second of all, my husband and I have a huge organic veggie garden with squash, beans, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. We usually can about 300 qts and pints of salsa and stewed tomatoes every August. We use it on and in almost everything, and do give some of it away to friends who beg for it. lol! I would love to try your pepperocini recipe, though. Would you share it with me?

    Thirdly, I adore your Union Jack throws. They are so pretty! You're one talented gal!

    I'm so glad that I met you via sweet Tausha, Sherry! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better as we share our thyroid issues (lol!) and our desire to become more fit and healthy! ♥

    xoxo laurie


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