Happy New Year Everyone!!  I welcome 2013 and all the possibilities a fresh New Year brings.

2012 was full of restoration/remodeling for me and I am happy to  almost be done, I will spend a few posts this month on before and afters.

January 2012 I moved into Lonestar Antique Mall, I am so pleased with that choice and have been here a year and can say I  am a very happy vendor at Lonestar it is the place I am supposed to be and I am doing what I am supposed to do having fun while working!

My personal goals for 2013 are to spend every morning in my newly decorated Ballet room to walk/run on treadmill and do pilates and barre work dvd's with a little yoga thrown in! I will begin horseback riding lessons after my fitness goal is met!

Professionaly I would like to study my Nikon camera more and become better at shooting pictures, maybe even submitting pics of my home/work to a few places.....Keeping my booth fuller than I was able to this year with all the home renovations.

I will be posting more indepth before and afters throughout the month but here are a couple pics of where I will be spending a good part of my mornings!!

I may even get comfortable enough to attend some live classes at DAllas Barre Method or Southlake Pure Barre or even Fort Worth Texas Ballet Theatre is now doing exercise classes!

Hope you have a wonderful year all!


  1. Your room is so pretty--I could so excerise in there! I hope you have a wonderful 2013!

  2. I love this room Sherry !!!! Happy New year!

  3. Happy New Year Sherry! Your room turned out beautiful! Looks really peaceful!

    Debbie :)

  4. Hello there!

    Love this room! My daughter goes to ballet, she has been since she was 2! She loves it so much, plus at the same time she is exercising!She has a ballet bar in her room but it's not as lovely as your bar! You should so go and do some classes!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs & Kisses,
    Amanda @ www.notsoperfectmess.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Amanda, Happy New Year! Love your blog! I will have to gain enough strenght to make it through an hour live class first.....I figure after a month I will reward myself with trying a live class here and there. So sweet your daughter loves ballet and it is great exercise!!!

  5. Love your fitnesroom. It`s beautiful. No problem spending time there.

    Wish you a fantastic new year.


    1. Thanks so much Bente you have a Fantastic New year as well!

  6. Love your ballet and fitness room, your so lucky to have the spare room just for you!!! You have worked harder more than anyone one I know Sherry! You really are down to earth and super talented and I'm so glad we met this past year. Many blessings to you and your family and I look forward to aspectacular 2013!!!!

    XOXO~ Steph


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